Welcome to DaitoryuNJ
Come join us! Train in Daito ryu Aiki jujutsu Kiyama Kai.
Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito-ryu can enhance your technique and understanding of your art. The focus is on developing superior structure and balance while nullifying that of your opponent. All levels are welcome and will gain from this rare opportunity!
Manny Jimenez Sensei, 6th dan Jun Dairi Kyoju , Daito Ryu Kiyamakai.
"Manny sensei is a profound practitioner and a gifted teacher, clearly presenting principles and how to implement them."
Manny Jimenez has been training in the martial arts since 1973. He is the senior student of Roy Goldberg Shihan (the director of Kiyamakai) and a student of Kiyama Hayawo Shihan (the North American Director for Daito Ruy Aikijujutsu Kodokai) since 1995. Jimenez Sensei has been awarded the Kodokai Rank of 4th dan and the Hiden Mokuroku, the 1st scroll, from the Kodokai Hombu Dojo in Kitami, Japan. He received his 6th dan from Goldberg Shihan as well as the second scroll. Jimenez Sensei is currently the lead instructor for Daito Ryu Kiyamakai under Goldberg Shihan and is in charge of curriculum development for the organization.
Start Your Daito ryu Aiki Jujutsu Journey!
Our classes, workshops, and seminars focus on the kihon waza (basic techniques) in detail to ensure an understanding of the mechanics, effectiveness, and principles of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu. To achieve an Aiki body, the body needs proper conditioning. Through techniques, we condition our bodies. The goal is that no matter how we move it becomes a technique. Our study group is open to all who want to start or continue the study of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Kiyama Kai. Join us at DaitoryuNJ Seikon Juku. Our study group is open to all that would like to start or continue the study of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Kiyama Kai. Join us at DaitoryuNJ Seikon Juku. Stop by to watch a class or you can participate. Contact us at [email protected]. Call or text 862-452-5606. Classes are on Fridays 7pm-9pm Sundays classes TBS at a later date. Location: Yoshitsune Jujutsu Kai, 1055 Broadway, Bayonne, NJ @daitoryunjaikijujutsuSeikon https://www.facebook.com/manny.jimenez. 140193?mibextid=LQQJ4d
(1859-1943) Choku no so
(Reviver of the secret art of the Aizu clan)
He was a descendant of Emperor Seiwa, and of Yoshimitsu, and a man strongly attached to the old ways, the ways of the samurai.
Sokaku Takeda received the advice of his teacher, Tanomo Saigo , to teach the art of Oshikiuchi {Daito ryu} publicly. The secret art of the Aizu clan began to be taught to many prominent members of Japanese society.
Sokaku Takeda kept no official dojo, he travelled through out the Japan training and teaching the art of Daito ryu. Some of those he taught contributed to the survival of the art by becoming teachers in their own right. Among those are; Katoro Yashida, Yukiyoshi Sogawa, Kodo Horikawa, Takuma Hisa, and Morihei Ueshiba.
Takeda did not teach each student in the same way, he taught them according to their individual needs and capabilities. That became the particular trademark for each style of Daito ryu.
Regarless of our lineage, we are still part of the great traditions of the Aizu clan. Training must be done with respect, with a full spirit and never losing the feeling of awe, or the sense of duty. There will be a time in which we might be called to offer something back for what we have received, in order to preserve the traditions, it must be done with honor, or it would cease to be Daito ryu.
HORIKAWA, KODO (1894- 1980)
Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kodo Kai
Born in Kitami, Hokkaido, began training in Daito ryu May 12, 1914.
Established the Daito ryu AikiJujutsu Kodo Kai in 1950.
Kodo Horikawa began training under his father (Taiso Horikawa) and then directly under Sokaku Takeda.
Taiso Horikawa first met Sokaku in 1912 on a train in Hokkaido.
Sokaku told Kodo that he needed to master the techniques of "Aiki" due to his short stature. Sokaku instructed him mostly on the Aiki principles.
Horikawa Kodo's techniques became known as "very subtle, effective, and strong."
In 1930 Horikawa Kodo received the certification for Dairi Kyoju (Acting Instructor).
One year later, he received the Hiden Mokuroku (Secret Essence). A short time after he received the certificate for the Hiden Okugi Mokuroku (Secret Essence of Mysteries) and Hiden Aiki Okugi Mokuroku (Secret Essence of Aiki).
In 1974, he received the Eisei Meijin (Order of Eternal Mastership), the highest title in Budo society.
Roy Goldberg Shihan
Goldberg Shihan is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu practitioners outside of Japan and the Chief Instructor of Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kiyamakai.
For over four decades, he has trained under Kiyama Hayawo Shihan, the Chief Instructor for the Kodokai branch of Daito Ryu in North America, and is Kiyama Shihan's senior student.
The Kodokai Menkyo Kaiden, Inoue Yusuke awarded Goldberg Sensei the rank of 7th dan, the official Kyoju Dairi teaching license, and the Hi Ogi no Koto, the 3rd scroll in the Kodokai tradition.
In 2017, Goldberg Shihan separated from Kodokai in Japan to form the Kiyamakai, an independent Daito Ryu organization, but maintains a close relationship with his longtime teacher Kiyama Shihan, who has recognized Roy Goldberg as the Shihan of Kiyamakai. He supervises Study Groups throughout the US and in Tokyo, traveling regularly to teach in seminars all over the world.